How to take part

Your GP practice will send you information about the trial, and ask you to read this carefully before making a decision whether to take part or not. You can ask any questions you wish to help you make up your mind.

If you are happy to take part, you will need to sign a consent form to confirm that you wish to take part – this can be done either online or by post (using the consent form your practice sent).

If you are randomised to AF screening you will receive a separate invitation from the trial team to take part in screening for AF. This invitation will include information about AF and what the screening process involves. You are under no obligation to accept the invitation to take part in screening – we would like you to decide when you receive the invitation.

For more information about the screening process, please click here.

If you are randomised to control you will not be invited to take part in screening for AF.

Whether or not you take part in AF screening you will continue to make a valuable contribution to the trial by allowing certain information from your NHS records to be shared with the research team. Collecting this information will help us to understand whether screening for AF makes a difference, by comparing information about people who do and do not undergo AF screening. For further information about how the NHS shares information from health records for research see the NHS Digital website.

Some participants may also be invited to take part in additional parts of the trial, such as interviews with a researcher, or complete questionnaires. You do not have to do these things if you don’t want to, and if you choose not to you will still be part of the main trial.