
Second feasibility study starts

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We are delighted to have started the new ‘remote delivery of screening’ feasibility study. Our three practices (in Thetford, Suffolk and Royston) have invited eligible patients, and screening for AF is about to start.

Patients requesting AF screening will not need to attend their GP practice to be screened – the process is managed entirely by post with support by telephone.

Thank you so much to the practice teams and patients involved so far – your support and involvement is greatly appreciated. If patients who have been invited have any questions please get in touch with the study team. We are working mostly from home but the study phone number is diverted to our mobile phones, and you can also contact us by email.

Adapting AF screening for remote delivery – a second feasibility study…and a blog

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Since we paused the start of the pilot trial back in March as COVID-19 struck we have been working on adapting the AF screening intervention for remote delivery at home. This will mean that patients do not have to attend their GP practice to be screened, and is the most sensible way to continue the research programme in the current public health environment. We will test AF screening at home in a second feasibility study, starting as soon as we have regulatory approval. See the aims and objectives and screening process pages to read more.

Over the past few months research and healthcare provision across the NHS has been having to adapt. Our colleague and GP Dr Rakesh Modi has captured this unique period of reflection and adaptation beautifully in his blog which you can read here.